This professional certification is designed to serve the hospitality industry, including fine dining establishments, golf/country clubs, casino lounges, and wine/liquor/cocktail bars and stores. The curriculum and final exam is specially tailored to meet the service needs of these businesses and customers.
An exclusive opportunity for TU Certified Tobacconists: Customize your own private label cigars with the greatest cigar maker you never heard of - and won’t.
We’ve spent over a decade developing this secret relationship to give our Certified Tobacconists exclusive access to...
Best in class Credit Card processing for retail and mail order/e-commerce tobacconists and Point of Sale hardware and software solutions: vetted and used by Certified Tobacconists!
Tobacconist University® is the exclusive educational curriculum of the PCA (Formerly IPCPR). Founded in 1933, PCA is the leading advocate and authority for the premium cigar and pipe industry. Retail PCA members can get certified for FREE by Tobacconist University®.
Tobacconist University® R&D (Research & Development) works with cigar makers
to create educational content and cutting edge products to teach and enlighten consumers and tobacconists.
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Tobacconist Tip #91
Of all the pipe tobacco varietal families, Oriental tobaccos are the most similar to cigars in aromatic qualities.