
Tobacconist University
About Us

Our Vision

To build and project the credibility of the luxury tobacco industry in order to gain cultural acceptance around the world - preserving luxury tobacco for generations to come.

Our Mission

Research, learn, and teach in order to educate, certify, and promote the most knowledgeable and honorable tobacconists and consumers.

Provide resources for tobacconists to leverage for their customers and businesses.

Build credibility, culture, and community for tobacconists and consumers.

Be the epicenter of cigar, pipe, and tobacco education.

Tobacconist Tip
If you want to dissect a cigar and understand the individual components and their aromas, you can perform an aromatic ashtray analysis. First, take the cigar apart and separate the wrapper, binder, and different filler leaves. The filler leaves will be distinguished by their color and texture. Then, light the individual components in as ashtray, one at a time, and smell the aromas. Keep a bucket of water handy in case the fire/embers get out of hand.

We Support

Premium Cigar Association

We are the Exclusive Academic Curriculum of the PCA

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